Speech training at the School of Theatre "IARDRAMMA" of Lucca, held by Paola Della Porta.

Theater direction and Actor Training Stage held by Marco Giorgetti (director of the theater "La Pergola" in Florence).

Acting studio and theater improvisation with Fabiana Carnicelli (actress and director) and Ugo Manzini (actor).

Diploma First Level Junior Stunt at the "Stunt Concept Academy" by Claudio Pacifico (Roma).


2015: "SINDROME"                                      Short film, small role                                  directed by Rina La Gioia

2013: “SAPORE DI TE"                                Feature film, small role                              directed by Carlo Vanzina

2013: “IL CREDITO"                                     Feature film, co-starring                            directed by C. Rogani E. Cadamuro

2006: "SWEET SWEET MARJA"                 Feature film, small role                               directed by Angelo Frezza

2005: “NON AVER PAURA"                          Feature film, small role                              directed by Angelo Longoni

2003: “BARZELLETTE"                                Feature film, small role                               directed by Carlo Vanzina

2002: “DILLO CON PAROLE MIE”               Feature film, small role                               directed by Daniele Luchetti

2000: “DIARIO DI MATILDE MANZONI"      Feature film, small role                               directed by Lino Capolicchio


2016:  "LILLO E GREG BEST OF" by and with Lillo & Greg, co-star. Teatro Ambra Jovinelli (Rome) and toured Italy.

“CE NE FAREMO UNA RAGIONE" of Circosta, Graziosi and Morsella, directed by Claudio Gregori, starring role. Teatro Testaccio, Rome.

2015: “LA FANTASTICA AVVENTURA DI MR. STARRby Claudio Greg Gregori, directed by Mauro MandolinI, co-star. Teatro Olimpico (Rome) and toured Italy.

2014: “IL MISTERO DELL’ASSASSINO MISTERIOSO" by Lillo & Greg, directed by Mauro Mandolini, co-star. Teatro  Olimpico (Rome) and toured Italy.

         “OCCHIO A QUEI DUE" by and with Lillo & Greg, directed by Pino Quartullo, co-star. Teatro Ambra Jovinelli (Rome)

2013: “LA BAITA DEGLI SPETTRI" by Claudio Gregori, with Lillo & Greg, directed by Mauro Mandolini, co-star. Teatro  Ambra Jovinelli (Rome)

2012: "SKETCH & SODA", by and with Lillo & Greg. Co-star. (Rome and toured Italy)

          "MIRIAM", taken from “In nome della madre" Erri de Luca, director Nicola Fanucchi, starring role (Lucca)

2011: “L’UOMO CHE NON CAPIVA TROPPO" by Claudio Greg Gregori, with Lillo & Greg, directed by Mauro Mandolini, co-star. Teatro Olimpico (Rome), New Theatre (Milan).

2010: “UN UOMO DA RECORD!" by Luca Monti and Nicola Canonico, co-star. Teatro dei Satiri (Rome).

          “CARABINIERI SI NASCE" by and with Pino Ammendola, co-star. Teatro Ghione (Rome).

2009: “MEDICO PER FORZA" by Molière, directed by Maurizio Annesi, co-star. Teatro Ghione (Roma).

2008: “VA TUTTO STORTO! Il matrimonio più corto della storia” written and directed by Olivier Lejeune, co-star, Teatro Della Cometa (Rome), Teatro San Babila (Milan).

2006: “NOT NOW, DARLING! By Ray Cooney, directed by Anna Fanucchi and Ugo Manzini, co-star. Nomination for Best Young Actress for "The Golden Mask" of Vicenza.

2005:  “IO E PETER PAN" by S. Longo, director C.Vaccaro, co-star, with Massimiliano Buzzanca. Theatre 7, Rome. “CARABINIERI SI NASCE" written and directed by Pino Ammendola, co-star. Teatro Sala Umberto, Rome. Resumed at Teatro Greco, Rome.

2004: "THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" by W. Shakespeare, directed by Anna Fanucchi and Emilio Micheletti, small role.

2003: “LA LETTERA DI MAMMA’ " Peppino De Filippo, directed by Anna Fanucchi, co-star. Prize San Martino di San Miniato City (PI) as "Best Young Actor".

2001: “I RACCONTI DI BABA JAGA", written and directed by Fabiana Carnicelli, protagonist.

1999: "NOISES OFF” by Michael Frayn, directed by Anna Fanucchi, character: Brooke".

1997: “LE LIBERE DONNE", taken by Dario Fo and Franca Rame, directed by Fabiana Carnicelli, plays the monologue “Rape."



2010: “IL RESTAURATORE"                   Raiuno, starring episode                                 directed by Giorgio Capitani

2010: “SQUADRA MOLTO SPECIALE"   Italia 1, starring episode                                 directed by Gianluca Petrazzi

2009: “PILOTI" second series                  Raidue, starring episode                                directed by Celeste Laudisio

2007: "I CESARONI 2"                            Canale 5, small role                                        directed by Vicario and Pavoletti

2007: “ERBA:I GIORNI DELL’ODIO"       Canale 5, starring                                           directed by George J. Squarcia 2005: “CASA VIANELLO"                        Canale 5, episode starring

2003: “MARIA GORETTI"                        Raiuno, small role                                           directed by Giulio Base

1997: “MIO PADRE E’ INNOCENTE”      Raiuno, small role                                           directed by Vincenzo Verdecchi

1997: “IL MASTINO"                                Raidue, small role                                          directed by F. Giordani, F. Laudadio


Docu-Fiction Protagonist “IL CASO CRISTALLOl", for the STORIE MALEDETTE" program (Raitre, 2013)

Presenter for the TV channel HSE24, Fashion & Beauty area (October 2012 - April 2013)

Actress with Lillo & Greg in “SERATA PER VOI" program (Raidue, 2012)

Actress with Lillo & Greg in the program "THE SHOW MUST GO OFF" (La7, 2012)

- Contribute to the broadcast:

"STORIE" by Corrado Augias (RaiTre, 2007)

“COMINCIAMO BENE: ANIMALI E ANIMALI” hosted by Licia Colo (RaiTre 2006-2007)

"BLA BLA BLA" with Lillo & Greg in some comic sketches, RAI, 2003.

"CHIAMBRETTI C’E’ '" (Raidue, 2001-2002)

Finalist of "LA SAI L'ULTIMA" (2000 edition), Canale 5. Host in the 2001 edition.

“ATTENTI AL TOPO", directed by Claudio Piccolotto, with Andrea Muzzi, Canale 10, Toscana (2000).


2017: “ORAC SPICE”, national networks, the protagonist. Directed by Andrea Nardi.

           “GOST”, national networks, the protagonist. Directed by Genesio Luigi.

2016: "TerraPietra" by Bialetti, national networks, the protagonist. Directed by Gemma Iuliano.

2014: "Stone Master Chef" Aeternum by Bialetti, national networks, the protagonist. Directed by Claudio Piccolotto.

2009: "TUTTOFAMIGLIA" national networks, directed by Alberto Simone.

2008: “CIBALGINA DUE Fast", national networks, the protagonist. Director Paula Avetti.

          "DEAGOSTINI - European Training Centre", national networks, the protagonist. Directed by Claudio Piccolotto.

2007: "COLUSSI, taste Mild", national networks, co-star. Directed by John Bedell.

           "FINISH QUANTUM", national and international networks, co-star. Directed by Manolo Luppichini.

2006: "New American Diet System Day & Night Show", national networks, the protagonist. Directed by F. Giannotti.

2005: "BUITONI ravioli 4 cheese", most national networks Germany, France, Spain, Belgium. Co-star.

"AMERICAN DIET SYSTEM NEW DAY AND NIGHT", national networks, the star. Directed by F. Giannotti.

2002: "DREHER BEER", national networks, co-star. Directed by Andrea Zaccarillo

2001: "CAFFE 'KIMBO" with Gigi Proietti, national networks, co-star. Directed by Dario Piana

2000: "EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE CARAPELLI" national networks, co-star. Directed by Daniele Luchetti.

          “BANCA TOSCANA" national networks, co-star.

        "ACQUA SILVA", Tuscan networks, starring role. Directed by Claudio Piccolotto.

1997: “MULINO BIANCO - FLAUTI AL LATTE“, national networks, co-star. Directed by Paola De Luca.

Languages ​​spoken: English and French (school level).

Ability to reproduce the cadences of dialectal accents: Tuscany, Sicily, Milan, Romagna.

Skills: volleyball, swimming, skiing (advanced), horse riding (basic), jazz-modern dance, fencing (base), fighting.