Data Production TV Program

June-July 2016 Magnolia S.P.A. Pechino Express

Adventure Game aired on Rai 2 in primetime. Belgian-Dutch Format Beijing Express, which has been successful in many countries including France and Spain. There are eight couples who challenge each other along a route of about eight thousand kilometers to reach, in stages requiring three to four days of travel each, a certain destination. I participated as a competitor in the pair of "strangers" in the 5 ' edition, visiting Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico, my couple arrived at the 9 ' bet on 10, ie two months of filming and two months aired Tv. Unique experience in its Kind, I came back changed, louder, happier. I developed a sense of strong adaptability and a rediscovery of those values of sharing, humility cheerfulness that these peoples still seem to maintain. Excellent relations with the production Magnolia, author Christian Rinaldi.

Data November 2016 Production Magnolia S.P.A.

TV Program Undressed

"Can you take the love between two perfect strangers, staying intimate in a bedroom? American Format purchased and broadcast for the first time in Italy, broadcast on the "NOVE". The experiment consists in bringing together two complete unknown man-woman in a bedroom, you have to undress each other and sit in the bed. The program includes guidelines, massages, dedicates, games to do, kisses...

Data 2015 Agency Cineworld Fiction _Il Paradiso delle Signore_ ( Special figuration) 2017 Agenzy Daniela De Angelis _E’ arrivata la felicità_ (Special figuration)

To the present


Agency Daniela De Angelis _Sanctuary_ TV Series (Special figuration)

In 2018 I entered the theatre company of Claudio Fabi, director of Romanesco Theatre, genre comedy and drama. We perform for two evenings at the Teatro Greco in Rome. I interpret two roles, the nun and the girl of the upper middle class.




Singing, dancing, cooking, makeup, religion.

Special signs

Scar on the lower belly, mole near the upper lip.

Fitness, hiking, tennis, Kik box, basketball, volleyball, ballet. Billiards.


  1. 2014  Theatrical Acting Course U.P.T.E.R.

  2. 2015  Acting Course method Stanivslavskij

2002 High School diploma “Aristotele”